Obama treachery
On 9/21/11 2:12 PM, Canuck57 wrote:
Yep, looks like Obama is selling out Israel, the last real friend US has
left in the middle east since Obama helped depose Mubarak and the
democracy they had.
From an Islam point of view Obama be a hero. Obama appealed to
fleabagger envy, greed, and has destroyed the US economy with debt,
unemployment, and repossessions. Totally dismantled any international
allies and let US-Euro Bank corruption go unchecked.
Returning oil control in Tunisia and Libya to fundamentalist Islam,
Obama even once suggested it was OK to build a Mosque on the ground
where the ashes of fallen civilians fell. Didn't seem to see the problem
with that.
Yep, Obama has made a pretty big mess of things for American futures. In
fact I never thought one president could do so much damage to the US but
then again, there are far too many corrupt fleabaggers in DC.
Just when we think you've posted the dumbest thing ever, you outdo yourself.
The people of Egypt, Tunisia and Libya have the same right of
self-determination as Americans and Canadiana. What they did was get rid
of oppressive dictators. We'll see what happens in those countries over
the next few years.
No one is building a mosque on the site of the twin towers in New York
City. There may be a Muslim community center built nearby. Did your
ancestors complain when white Christians built churches on the lands of
the native Americans they slaughtered?
I'll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one.