The early FICHT years question
FishFan wrote:
I know you're a DFI Hater, and epecially an OMC DFI Hater, and god
knows enough folks were screwed by OMC directly, and many others
indirectly (those who have perfectly good running engines whose boat
value and marketability is hurt due to the label engine),
We probably agree so far & yes about especially not liking OMC DFI, If
asked I can give reasons but for now :-)
but... all
of the ancedotal evidence I've seen seems to indicate that Mercury's
version is not doing that bad, considering all the engines they sell,
It depends of what you mean by "that' Bad?? as bad as Ficht?? no it's
certainly always done better than that, but it's still way behind the
very same Merc engines, built on the same production lines using the
same basic structural components BUT when fuelled via EFI. The same
observations can be said of OMC Ficht, despite the dealers blaming
"quality" control, pistons, fuel, oil etc they seem to not acknowledge
that the carbed almost exact same engines are about the same as they've
always been reliability wise.
and that Yamaha's version, HPDI, has no widepsread systemic problems.
Not hat's true but significantly they've confronted the issues head on
(little joke the-)), they use extremely high injection pressures so
assuring better atomisation & they don't run anywhere as lean as Ficht
nor Opti, they shut cyls down at low revs, so the remaining ones can
operate at more normal mixtures (still lean but not as much).
I'd submit it's a pretty open secret the next Merc engines will be 4
strokes & the Yamahas already have their 4 stroke directly competing
against their own 2 strokes. Nothing is ever certain but it seems both
the successful DFI people are getting away from it, yes??. As for
OMC/bomb their claims about 2008 compliance & BS BS BS is the same stuff
they spruiked in 98 about the 2006 regs & so what?? In 5 years there
won't be any Ficht even renamed Ficht to worry about.
Aside from your biased unprofessional opinion about the adequacy of
"lean burn technology", do you have any stats to back-up your anti-DFI
attitude wrt non-OMC engines?
The typo seems to have lost some of this?? if you are asking why I
don't like the non DFI OMCs it's mainly the oiling system, VRO (yes yes
deceptively renamed after people started to wise up) it's still as bad
as it ever was & should be disconnected as soon as the engine gets a
little old, then have oil in the fuel tank. As for my unprofessional
opinion I guess you better point to the other people who publicly,
repeatedly & in the face of some pretty vile abuse, predicted that Ficht
& to an admitted lesser extent Opti wouldn't work??? We did & stayed
true to our reasoning over the years as we were proven correct, sadly it
cost 7000 innocent jobs, an American icon business & loads of peoples'
retirement funds, but my conscience is clear I posted it would happen &
explained in detail exactly why. I'd claim we're more "professional"
than OMC & certainly those brain dead OMC dealers.