Canada plans border fence.
On Sep 23, 9:39*am, iBoaterer wrote:
In article 2abb9217-6e66-4e20-b709-ebda2aa13785, says...
On Sep 22, 6:22 pm, X ` Man wrote:
Canada to Build Twenty-foot Fence if Perry Elected
Could Be Electrified, Border Officials Warn
OTTAWA (The Borowitz Report) ? Canada warned today that if Gov. Rick
Perry (R-TX) is elected President of the United States in 2012, it would
take the ?regrettably necessary step? of constructing a 20-foot fence
along its entire border with the U.S.
?This is a step that we don?t take lightly,? said Canadian Border
Security Minister Ian McLarrity. ?However, we must protect ourselves
from the prospect of millions of Americans pouring over the border.?
Mr. McLarrity said that Canadian border officials were alarmed by the
volume of panicky comments regarding Americans? migratory plans in the
event of a Perry win posted on websites ranging from National Public
Radio to Huffington Post.
?We are taking this threat very seriously,? he said. ?We will electrify
the fence if necessary.?
Perhaps taking the lead from Canada, Mexican officials said today that
in the event of a Perry victory it would install tollbooths in its
secret underground tunnels, which would require travelers to provide
documentary evidence that they are members of a drug cartel in order to
gain entry to Mexico.
At a campaign stop in Florida today, Gov. Perry addressed the prospect
of an electrified fence being erected on the United States? northern border.
?My position on electrocution is a matter of public record,? he said.
?I?m for it.?
I'll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one.
I hope it doesn't go up before Canuckles is tossed out.
Why would that concern you, Suckling Don?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
....and why would 'my concerns' concern you, freaky/looney