Romney trounces Perry in Michigan GOP straw poll
On 25/09/2011 8:00 AM, X ` Man wrote:
From National Journal -
MACKINAC ISLAND, Mich. - In a rout, Republican presidential candidate
Mitt Romney trounced Rick Perry and the rest of the GOP field to win the
National Journal Hotline/National Association of Home Builders Straw
Poll of GOP activists attending a weekend conference in Michigan.
Good. As Harvard/Yale have a **** poor record. Need someone not from
the old boys golden handshake club. Perry is an old boys school puppet.
Too bad liberal fleabagg'in left so much hates women, I still think
Bachmann would make an excellent choice. I prefer honesty and integrity
to pandering any time. As why is really wrong with DC is they have no
integrity and loaded with dishonor.
First rule of holes: If you're in one, don't keep digging.
So in the hole, why do we insanely want more debt?