Just for the record
On 26/09/2011 5:58 PM, JustWait wrote:
So, because it's cheaper for you to pay for an abortion, you are cool
with that? Figures, most progressives look at the purse first...
I have heard it said it takes $250,000 in todays dollars to raise a
child property. Food, medical, dental, cloths, school fees, books,
computers, sports.....and more I have likely missed. Plus the cost of
So you are a fool if you think money doesn't mater. Say your 16, old
man kicks you out because your knocked up or no resources for another
kid, you haven't finished high school or college, boyfriend is a dead
beat and gone. There you sit, you have to decide. Here comes some pro
lifers that will not be around for the next 20 years advising her that
she would be a murder for aborting a 3mm long fetus that has no heart
and no brain it is months off from developing.
So why not get an abortion, continue with school after a few sick days,
put your life together then when married, stable and fiscal income then
have them? Sure beats living on welfare in the slums for 20 years to life.
Eat the rich, screw the companies and wonder why there are no jobs.
-- Obama and the lefty fleabagger attitude