Hey canuk...
On Sep 28, 11:30*am, X ` Man wrote:
On 9/28/11 10:15 AM, JustWait wrote:
Like I said, I had the terrible opportunity to help a friend and
accompany her to the abortion mill, and they had only one option even
when she asked about adoption or parenting, they went into the same
hyperbole as you do here. She left with here obligatory appointment to
have an abortion, and scars that haunt here now, 40 years later...
Uh, 40 years ago...you were what, 13 years old or so? Why would a
pregnant woman take a child with her to planned parenthood?
This is just more of your made-up bull****.
I'll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one.
I think he believes his fantasy bull****.
Too bad his 'buddies' don't chip in and send him to a 'shrink'.
I'm sure the diagnosis would provide months of entertainment.