Romney Reluctance is bullsh*t.
ORLANDO, Fla.—Listen to Republican voters and you're likely to hear a
reluctance to embrace Mitt Romney's White House bid. At least at first.
The same voters just as readily acknowledge that he might be the
Republicans' best chance to defeat President Barack Obama. And that may
explain why the former Massachusetts governor isn't sweating even as the
buzz revolves around others.
"I'll probably wind up with Romney because, more than anything, what I
want to do is to defeat Obama," says Doyle Thomas, a 70-year-old retired
attorney from rural Cross City, Fla.
Not that he'll be happy about having to vote for the former
Massachusetts governor. (from
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Bull****. Every right-wing extremist in the country will vote for
Romney, and happily. Even the crackpot fundie christians who don't
believe mormons are christian will vote for romney. Even the demented
teabaggers will vote for romney.
And I was so hoping for a real right-wing lunatic GOP ticket next year.
I'll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one.