On 10/3/11 10:16 PM, JustWaitAFrekinMinute! wrote:
On Oct 3, 9:54 pm, X ` wrote:
And, once again, I don't have any serious personal information about
you. I know where you live...and I have your phone number because you
called me, and I know the name of your wife and one of your kids. That's
Bull****, I can't wait till you swear to that..snerk I will have
friends waiting for you in your new home
There you go again, with the veiled threats, although I am not surprised
you probably have plenty of friends in that "new home" to which you
refer. My guess is that if you continue with your out of control
behavior, you'll be joining them a lot sooner than I will. And they'll
probably get a lot of use of a little guy with a pony tail.
I'll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one.