On 04/10/2011 11:31 PM, JustWait wrote:
On 10/4/2011 9:43 PM, Canuck57 wrote:
On 27/09/2011 8:13 PM, wrote:
On Tue, 27 Sep 2011 18:34:20 -0700 (PDT),
Is this a Michelle Bachman joke?
I would say Nancy Pelosi, the dope smoking part is probably right but
she hasn't had a period in a decade.
Well, she hasn't had a thought in a decade. She is definitely the
stupidest dem in the bunch... well, maybe second stupidest behind that
idiot that thought Guam was gonna' flip over.. Oh wait, then there was
that useless fool who thought we had 57 states.. What was his name
again? Only kidding, we only wish we could forget him
Yep, the stupid fool couldn't figure out was it 57 or 58 states he
visited. And that is from a president? Wow...really sad state of affairs.
Maybe she is hoping Obama is gonna... After all Pelosi no longer gets
debriefed by Weiner.
Eat the rich, screw the companies and wonder why there are no jobs.
-- Obama and the lefty fleabagger attitude