Palin quits...again
On 10/6/11 12:04 PM, jps wrote:
On Thu, 06 Oct 2011 07:47:42 -0400, X `
On 10/6/11 3:48 AM, jps wrote:
On Wed, 05 Oct 2011 19:51:36 -0400, X `
Palin Decides Not to Run: ‘I Want to Go Straight to the Quitting Part’
Decision Leaves Moron Vote Up for Grabs
She didn't quit anything, it was all a head fake to keep her in the
public eye while she continues to cash in on her celebrity. Lining
her pockets with cash and goods is Sarah's only objective.
No one could take her any more seriously than any of the other 5
clowns running for the Republican nomination.
Huntsman, the only guy with a brain would never get the nomination.
He doesn't hate Obama enough, love (Rambo) Jesus enough, hate gays
enough, hate health care reform enough and whatever else these idiots
are chasing. Oh, Donald Trumps endorsement. Holy ****.
Pathetic, ain't it? :)
Well, perhaps the news channels will stop paying attention to Citizen
I cut the chord with the news channels. It's PBS, BBC and Jon
Stewart. Can't take the cacophony of cable news anymore.
I like that Ailes admitted hiring Palin because she's "hot." Did he
get a daily bj written into her contract?
Who knows where that mouth of hers has been? There's several salacious
tales about Ms. Palin circulating, including that she had affairs while
married to her current husband.
What a family, eh?
I'll believe corporations are people when Texas executes one.