On Oct 6, 11:59*pm, Phogan wrote:
I know that everyone on this forum probably gets sick and tired of boat
odor questions but if you all could send me some quick advice I promise
not to wear you out. Now I have said all that here is my problem...
I have a new holding tank and lines in my houseboat. It is a 70 gallon
tank and it is used a lot. I have a family of four with 2 small children
so we are constantly pumping out.
I used Kronin four my first year with pretty good luck but then started
to get a smell on the outside of the boat when it was flushed. One.. the
Kronin is expensive when you are pumping out once a week and also I am
curios if Kronin has time to do what it needs to do when I have to empty
the tank once a week.
I put the sweet tank system in my dads boat about 10 years ago and it
works wonders. That is what I would like to do soon. But until then I
need to make sure I am using the right treatment.
I regretfully began using a product called TST. It works ok but is
nothing but a mask. On one of my older boats I had used Odorlos and it
worked great!
I have found someone here locally that carries odorlos and I want to
start using it again.
So here is the question... Do I have to go to extremes to clean out the
TST that has been in the tank before I start using Odorlos again?
Any input would be greatly appreciated!
P.S ventalation seems to be adequate.
This newsgroup has been overtaken by agitors bent on destroying it.
Very little boating info can be gained.
I'd advise you try the cruising site. You may get lucky and
run into Peggy Hall.