Those Westboro Baptist Church morons...
On 07/10/2011 2:56 PM, X ` Man wrote:
On 10/7/11 4:52 PM, Canuck57 wrote:
On 07/10/2011 9:47 AM, X ` Man wrote:
...are threatening to demonstrate at the service for Steve Jobs.
I believe in free speech. But...I wouldn't mind seeing these morons from
Westboro have the **** beat out of them every time they pull this sort
of crap, and *especially* when they pull it at the funeral of a soldier
killed in action.
Let them. So the world can see their ignorance in religion today.
Why should the families who suffered the loss of a soldier have to put
up with the bull**** of these obnoxious "religious" charlatans?
Of course not. But by letting them protest you let them make asses out
of themselves. People will ask who are those crazy nosy meddlesome
idiots anyways?
But agree, for the funeral, it is a toss up. But hopefully media
persecutes them as the idiots they are if they protest.
Eat the rich, screw the companies and wonder why there are no jobs.
-- Obama and the lefty fleabagger attitude