What a day for boating
On 10/10/11 9:43 PM, North Star wrote:
What better way to celebrate Thanksgiving than to fire up the Yukon
and tour the largest local lake.
By the time I got out there (about 20 miles north of the city) the
wind had already picked up and there were whitecaps on 2.5' waves.
Didn't matter.. I went as fast as I could while keeping the boat under
Once.. when the wind and waves were slowing me down, I jumped into the
wake of a larger fiberglass boat and planed along. Man... did the boat
ever get skittish... felt like i was zipping along on ice.
This lake sure did get deep out in the center.... Lowrance was
reading well over 100 feet before it jumped to 257 and then well over
300... don't know if that depth was accurate or just a glitch... I'll
have to look up and see what the actual recordrd depths are.
I tried to do a quick calculation of how many Puny Ponytails would
have to be standing on each others shoulders to reach that depth and
it was mind boggling.
A good number of the trees had turned colour but it was more muted
than vibrant.
Beautiful day and a fun but somewhat rough ride for the late boating
What? A boating post? Here? :)