On 10/19/11 7:57 AM, BAR wrote:
In ,
On 18/10/2011 7:23 AM, X ` Man wrote:
Republicans tend to give their charity to their church, which may or may
not use that money for charitable purposes. There actually was a study
done about this some years ago.
So? Better than government ****ing it away on some corrupt to the core
bull**** scheme.
I have no trouble in letting the people decide with their own money. In
the end they are usually 10000% more efficient than government, 10000%
more effective too.
And I am not particularly religious, but I respect leaving the choice to
the people.
Just fleabaggers want to use government and debt-tax slavery to feed
their incompetence and delinquency. Leave people the choice, they make
better decisions than a corrupt government any day.
Harry's view is the Democrat/liberal view in that if the people are
given the choice of what to do with their money they won't do with it
what is "needed" to be done.
Not at all, BertBrain. I was discussing charity. To me, charity is what
do with your time or money to help people in need of food, clothing,
shelter, medical care, et cetera, the human needs that keep people alive
and well, that helps the poor and the helpless.
Giving to an organization so it can convert people from one religion to
another is not charity, in my mind...it is propagandizing. It also is
not charity to give to a church so it can build a shiny new edifice.
That's a donation, but it isn't charity.