Walmart's Medicaid Coverage
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Oct 2009
Posts: 6,596
Walmart's Medicaid Coverage
On 21/10/2011 1:09 PM, BAR wrote:
In ,
Citing rising costs, Wal-Mart, the nation?s largest private employer,
told its employees this week that all future part-time employees who
work less than 24 hours a week on average will no longer qualify for
any of the company?s health insurance plans.
In addition, any new employees who average 24 hours to 33 hours a week
will no longer be able to include a spouse as part of their health
care plan, although children can still be covered.
This is a big shift from just a few years ago when Wal-Mart expanded
coverage for employees and their families after facing criticism
because so many of its 1.4 million workers could not afford or did not
qualify for coverage ? rendering many of them eligible for Medicaid.
Sweet. Send your employees to emergency rooms and medicaid so the
taxpayers can cover it. Excellent strategy to bolster net profits for
the company that imports more Communist Chinese goods to America than
any other.
Hey all you wingers, make sure to patronize Walmart cuz they believe
in Jesus.
Here's a tip. Don't work for WalMart if you don't like their benefits.
Too logical for fleabaggers and fleabeggars. To them it is all about
shafting the other guy with their delinquency.
Eat the rich, screw the companies and wonder why there are no jobs. But
we have big huge government we can't afford...
-- Obama and the lefty fleabagger attitude
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