On Oct 22, 11:34*am, X ` Man wrote:
On 10/22/11 9:45 AM, JustWait wrote:
On 10/22/2011 9:36 AM, Drifter wrote:
On 10/21/2011 11:50 PM, JustWait wrote:
On 10/21/2011 8:57 PM, TopBassDog wrote:
On Oct 20, 11:39 pm, wrote:
And in the same order, so is this one:
That is the guy running the country. He just got us kicked out of Iraq,
now Iran can come back in. The country will be in civil war by June of
next year thanks to the traitor in cheif...
Obama has a plan. Get our troops out(that's good)
Follow up by picking off the leaders one by one to ensure turmoil and
unrest continues as it did before we intervened. ( I'm not sure how that
is going to work out)
Civil war in Iraq before the next election...
"Civil war" in Iraq has never actually stopped.
If you are so gung-ho about keeping US troops at risk in a war zone for
no good reason, perhaps you can talk your daughter into enlisting when
she graduates from high school. She might draw duty in Afghanistan.
Why not? My cousins daughters did, and one is in Iraq ( Army -1st Cav.
3rd Bgde. Com/ Team) the other is in Afghanistan (Marines-1st Btn.
23rd Rg. ).
BTW, They've both been "baptized by fire"