On 23/10/2011 12:05 PM, iBoaterer wrote:
In ,
On 10/23/2011 11:08 AM, X ` Man wrote:
On 10/23/11 11:03 AM, JustWait wrote:
On 10/23/2011 10:53 AM, BAR wrote:
In ,
In article977c8b69-8d0c-447b-8809-991c58843609
@m1g2000vbm.googlegroups.com, says...
Isn't that you with the bull horn, Herr Krause?
Looks to me like the dude in the white shirt started the confrontation,
even though I have no use for any union that acts like that.
The union thug escalated the interaction to a physical altercation.
Does that surprise you?
All the "union thuggery" since time began doesn't add up to a year of
"corporate thuggery."
I am sure there is plenty of video of corporate types out there picking
on little kids and wives, holding baseball bats right?
So, do you think what the corporate rich is doing is okay?
Depends, are they crooked or honest?
Crooked, go hang them for all I care. Just look at the bailouts 0bama
gives out and go for them. Those are the corrupt ones, corrupt bailouts
our grand kids will have to pay for.
Honest ones, leave them be. They provide free of bailout and free of
taxpayer rape investment capital for jobs. If they are not investing
right now, could be because they are also worried be they corrupt people
or corrupt government they will loose it.
Lots of honest rich out there that made it fairly without ****ing people
Eat the rich, screw the companies and wonder why there are no jobs. But
we have big huge government we can't afford...
-- Obama and the lefty fleabagger attitude