Walmart's Medicaid Coverage
On 22/10/2011 7:09 PM, X ` Man wrote:
On 10/22/11 7:42 PM, Canuck57 wrote:
No, more like harryk is a delusional ass hole idiot trying to find
excuses on why he can ignore reality. Even though reality is bitting
America by the ass, idiots like him can't see reality in the fleabagger
delusional state of envy, greed, whine and entitlement bull****.
Wow...every day you are here, you prove you are a self-centered,
selfish, dirtbag.
Somebody has to say it the way it is. Sure as hell isn't you fleabag.
Eat the rich, screw the companies and wonder why there are no jobs. But
we have big huge government we can't afford...
-- Obama and the lefty fleabagger attitude