Getting water out of gas tank?
On 10/24/2011 3:18 PM, --@++.-- wrote:
Recently my boat got pounded pretty good from behind by a bunch of wind produced
waves. After that it didn't want to run because water got in the breather for
the gas tank. I ran a line from a can of good gas and ran the engine and it
cleared up and began running normally again. I got an electric fuel pump and
attached it to the tank's fuel line and pumped out into portable cans. To me, at
first it appeared to pump clean water, then it looked milky for a while, then it
looked like clean gas. I pumped about 2 more gallons out of the 14+/- gallon
tank after it began looking like good gas, and it still looked good so I stopped
pumping. Is it safe to think the remaining gas is okay?
It's safe to think anything you want. Just be careful what you say.
Put a water separating filter in your fuel line.