I knew it..
On 26/10/2011 9:40 AM, JustWait wrote:
The "supercomittee" the republicans so stupidly allowed the dems to talk
them into, was nothing but a way to stall, and eventually destroy our
military and the economy by doing nothing... It was a setup from the get
go, I don't know why even after years of a democratic "do nothing
congress", they fell for this "sharing" thing....
Destroy the military? DC already spends more than the other 25 top
nations in the world combined!!! As if USA is at war with the entire
world. Fact is the military is more than 5 times the size that is needed.
Good place to save serious is to hack $500 billion from the $800 billion
military budget.
No setup, fact is USA no longer pays its bills with real money and
Monopoly Bernanke can't keep printing 0bama's debt spend forver.
Zimbawe tried that, and now a $100 trillion note is toilet paper.
Germany, Argentina, all who tried the money print ended up the same way,
even the Roman Empire going to tin coin replacing silver and gold.
Fact is DC is broke and overspending. 50% of what DC spends is
debt-money-print spend.
Do you or your your wife continuously spend twice as much as comes in?
It eventually leads to assured bankruptcy.
Too big to fail? Tell that to the countries that have tried this
before. Including the Roman Empire. Fact is USA is gong to see third
world status as the banking and currency system no longer have any
integrity. Once Europe has crashed, USA will not be far behind.
The reason government can't fix the economic problems is government is
the problem.