My dad used to keep a 6' steel pipe and a sledge hammer on the boat, and
hammer the pipe down into wet sand, angled at 20-30 degrees away from the
water. He'd tie a 2nd line to that, in addition to the Danforth anchor,
which he'd bury by hand until it was in contact with wet sand. A few whacks
on the side of the pipe would release it. This method was enough to keep a
32' Luhrs in place in all sorts of weather. By the way, there was always a
2nd anchor from the stern to keep the prop off the beach. I'm sure this
absorbed quite a bit of force and helped the beach anchor.
wrote in message

Can anyone suggest a good way of anchoring to a sand
beach? I drove a regular anchor in, and tied it down with
a dog tie out screw. That seemed to work okay, but I'm
afraid it might still pull loose if the wind gets too strong.