Dog whistle
On 10/31/11 12:25 PM, jps wrote:
This is pretty obvious to those of us who pay attention...
Politico’s Roger Simon says that Republican presidential Rick Perry’s
recent embrace of birtherism amounts to a racist “dog whistle.”
“It’s not a ‘fun’ issue to poke somebody on,” Simon told CNN’s Howard
Kurtz Sunday. “It is more than a little bit racist. Not everyone who
believes it is a racist. It grew out of the belief that a black man
could not be legitimately elected to the president of the United
He continued: “Now, why would Perry use that in the primaries instead
of saving it for the general when he’s running against President
Obama? Well, it’s because being extreme, perhaps, and a little bit
racist, perhaps, gives you good bona fides in a Republican primary. It
shows them that you are on the same side as they are.”
“So, it’s a bit of a dog whistle?” Kurtz asked.
“Absolutely,” Simon replied.
After almost a week of refusing to admit that President Barack Obama
was a U.S. citizen, Perry finally said Wednesday that he had “no
doubt” that the president’s birth certificate was real.
The only decent wannabes in the gop race are huntsman and romney. The
rest of them are demagogues or bat**** crazy or both. When is Rick
Santorum going to show up for the debates with a fetus in a glass jar or
a used condom to rave about?