Serial windsock
On Sun, 30 Oct 2011 20:01:16 -0400, "Eisboch" wrote:
"Wayne.B" wrote in message
.. .
I think that congressional term limits are something a high percentage
of the population would agree on - left, right and moderate. How do
we get it enacted? It might actually bring the country together for
a change.
Indeed, the overwhelming majority of both Republican and Democratic voters
support Congressional term limits.
Problem is, it will take a Constitutional Amendment to accomplish. The
largest group(s) that oppose term limits
include the incumbents, big business that are in bed with them and ...
(sorry Harry) ... labor unions.
Even if seriously proposed, I believe it takes a 2/3rds majority vote to
pass. Fat chance.
So ... voters be dammed. It won't happen by legislation in Congress. The
only way to impose term limits is for
us peons to vote them out once in a while instead of continuously electing
the same corrupt *******s to another
term. Means we need more Independent voters who vote the person rather
than Democrats and Republicans that just vote the party.
Difficult perhaps but not impossible. There has to be some sort of
broad based groundswell of opinion backed by fund raising and some
smart people good at organizing. If prohibition was able to be
passed, term limits should be a slam dunk. I'll certainly support it
if someone can get it rolling. The media has to get behind it.