On 10/31/2011 11:23 AM, Drifter wrote:
On 10/31/2011 10:52 AM, JustWait wrote:
Well, I suppose the trolls are having fun lately but I wouldn't know...
We have a hole in the roof with a limb sticking through. There is at
least 50 trees down and demolished within 150 yards of my house alone,
the whole state is similar. We drove 40 miles yesterday in search of
gasoline, no info available as the cell and cable are all down, very
sketchy internet. Main state highways haven't even begun to be addressed
yet, it's like a maze just to go down route five with the lines down and
trees still in the road. Unfortunately, the generator I have won't do
220 to run the water so we can't run the furnace either like I used to
be able to do in the other place. I have never rewired a deep well pump
and don't even know if ours can be done... getting pretty cold here, the
governor thinks this will be at least a week or more. Shipping the
animals off today to a friend upstate who has power, trying to find a
cup of coffee is crazy. No banks, cash only everywhere.
Later guys...
What happened?
What happened was a wet snow storm before any leaves came down, the
weight was more that the trees could take. Every tree and I do mean
every tree lost most branches and the tops, some split down the middle,
some others look like a giant took his hand and ran it down the sides
and all the branches are broken at the trunk and just hanging there...
Every tree on our block, scores of oaks and such will have to come
down.. Hundreds on our block alone. This area of the state will actually
have a totally different landscape in 2-3 years, I would imagine by the
time 10 years or so go by it will be all ornimantals instead of oaks and
maples, tall white pines, etc... It looks like a war zone here, not one
tree survived, not one...