On 01/11/2011 7:00 AM, X ` Man wrote:
On 11/1/11 8:41 AM, Canuck57 wrote:
Sure looks like 0bama is using government employees on the government
dime to sell his re-election.
Not very ethical is it?
Time will tell, are Floridians American or corrupt like 0bama?
A. Sunshine State news is a right-wing political rag.
B. Study up on the political nature of presidential cabinet appointees.
C. Increase your dosage of anti-d'uh medications.
Have another of your really nice right-wing days.
On Nov-2012 I hope to rub your nose in it.
We need to scuttle fleabaggers. We tried the massive debts, now lets
get back to some integrity and a much smaller government paying its
bills with real money, if it is possible.
The reason government can't fix the economic problems is government is
the problem.