On 01/11/2011 7:58 AM, X ` Man wrote:
On 11/1/11 9:45 AM, Canuck57 wrote:
On 01/11/2011 7:00 AM, X ` Man wrote:
On 11/1/11 8:41 AM, Canuck57 wrote:
Sure looks like 0bama is using government employees on the government
dime to sell his re-election.
Not very ethical is it?
Time will tell, are Floridians American or corrupt like 0bama?
A. Sunshine State news is a right-wing political rag.
B. Study up on the political nature of presidential cabinet appointees.
C. Increase your dosage of anti-d'uh medications.
Have another of your really nice right-wing days.
On Nov-2012 I hope to rub your nose in it.
We need to scuttle fleabaggers. We tried the massive debts, now lets get
back to some integrity and a much smaller government paying its bills
with real money, if it is possible.
"We"? You're a Canadian, asshole. You won't be voting in our next
presidential election. If you want to rub my nose in it, you'll have to
come down here, if your ankle bracelet allows.
Why would I vote even if I could? It is a rigged race and the outcome
matters little, your broke. Repo man is busy with Greece, but they will
get to the USA. In fact, didn't the USD see new lows on the Yen and
Yuan this week? Hey, oil didn't go up, the value of the USD went down.
One huge good thing about having lived in 4 countries, is you learn to
bypass the local countries bull**** (be it Canadian or USA bull****).
As many local only thinker think with their heads up their ass.
No need to rub your nose in it. You might want to start asking yourself
what are you going to do when your social assistance fails. As a
fleabagger, you likely depend on government like a leach. When reality
bites a fleabaggers ass, I get my chuckles.
The reason government can't fix the economic problems is government is
the problem.