Romney Squeaky, But Not Clean?
On 01/11/2011 9:39 AM, X ` Man wrote:
On 11/1/11 11:35 AM, Canuck57 wrote:
On 01/11/2011 9:25 AM, X ` Man wrote:
On 11/1/11 11:19 AM, Canuck57 wrote:
Hey, how come your not pushing on Cain for his two (or more) women
issues that have ore substance? A little anti-white racism from harryk?
I'm hoping Cain is the GOP nominee, followed by Perry or Bachmann. The
GOP deserves an insane nominee.
But fact is any GOP could beat 0bama right now.
We find out in 12 months. Going to be good to see the $6 trillion
master debtor grand fleabag get the boot.
The reason government can't fix the economic problems is government is
the problem.