On 02/11/2011 7:53 AM, North Star wrote:
On Nov 2, 10:42 am, wrote:
On 11/2/2011 9:22 AM, wrote:
On Wed, 02 Nov 2011 09:13:30 -0400, wrote:
Fleabaggers might choke on this so consider yourselves warned.
Oh, great, fair and balanced reporting from TeaBagger TV. Not that he
is entirely wrong, there just isn't an original thought in the entire
video and he offers no solutions. Anybody can whine and bitch.
And that is about all the TeaBaggers have done.
All he did was attempt to wake you "soft as a sneaker of ****" folks up
to reality and suggest that we need to make some changes. We as
Americans need to see to it that the right changes are made.
Take some responsibility and admit you are part of the problem. Do you
want to be part of the solution?
1-20-13 The end of an error
Wow... where were you when GeorgieBoy was driving the US into the
Lazy fleabagger and corrupt fleabaggers are driving the USA into the ground.
Kick th fleabaggers out, and put the country back on the move. If
fleabaggers want to be bums, they are on the right course.
The reason government can't fix the economic problems is government is
the problem.