Beyond bad taste
Loudoun GOP official resigns over Obama zombie image
Caitlin Gibson for The Washington Post
A Loudoun County (Virginia) Republican Committee official has resigned
following controversy over an e-mail that depicted President Obama as a
zombie with part of his skull missing and a gaping bullet wound in his
forehead, according to reports by NBC Washington.
The Loudoun GOP committee’s communications director, Robert Jesionowski,
took full responsibility for the e-mail, the report said.
The Loudoun County Republican Committee and the Republican Party of
Virginia did not respond to requests for comment.
The e-mail, first reported on the blog Too Conservative, was sent Monday
to promote the committee’s activities at a Halloween parade in Leesburg.
The e-mail also included an image of House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi
(D-Calif.) with distorted features and one eye bulging from its socket.
The image of Obama was strongly condemned by both state and local
Republican officials.
Mark Sell, chairman of the Loudoun County Republican Committee, issued a
statement late Monday saying the e-mail was “a light-hearted attempt to
inject satire humor into the Halloween holiday.”
“Apparently, some individuals have interpreted an image of Barack Obama
that appeared within the e-mail as intending to portray the president as
a victim of a violent crime,’’ Sell said. “Nothing could be further from
the truth, and we deeply and sincerely apologize to the president and
anyone who viewed the image if that was the impression that was left.
The LCRC deplores any effort to display, suggest or promote violence
against the President or any other political figure.”
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Yeah, we believe you, Mr. Sell.
Robert Jesionowski would fit right in with the right=wing trash in