On 04/11/2011 2:54 PM, X ` Man wrote:
...demonstrates he's a moron.
Fact is the fleabaggers can't see the truth. The truth being government
can't solve the problem because government is the problem. The more
they suck out of society to blow on waste, government consumption of
wealth, the less there is in the economy to function correctly.
Government creating useless jobs like Solyndra is wealth consumption,
and a huge negativity effect to normal functioning of economics.
Government confiscates income, then redistributes it to consumption.
End result, less wealth for the jobs tomorrow, less jobs now from
inflation money print and more debt.
Like a snake eating its own tail. Doomed for more failure and a lower
standard of life for all that can't move away from the failure of big
fat ineffective consuming and debt-tax slavery government.
Too many fleabaggers in control.
But do carry on fleabaggers, the instability you generate in the markets
has made me a lot of money. I certainly would not be satisfied with a
mere 5% fair rate of interest any more.
The reason government can't fix the economic problems is government is
the problem.