Conservative Cain Sludes Back into the Primordial Abyss
On 04/11/2011 6:08 PM, Eisboch wrote:
"jps" wrote in message ...
Because she was smitten and offered. Cain was looking to take.
You probably can't detect a difference in those circumstances.
Are you are suggesting that 52 year old married POTUS accepting a blow
job in the Oval Office
from a young, 22 year old infatuated intern is "ok" but poor Herman (who
didn't even get to first) is morally reprehensible?
I am 62. Today a young musician who I've known for a while (he's in his
late 20's maybe early 30's)
came into the shop and introduced me to his girlfriend. She is drop dead
gorgeous with a terrific personality.
I was about to offer a sincere compliment but stopped .... realizing the
world we
live in now and just stuck my hand out and said, "Glad to meetcha".
I liked it back when you could extend a polite and sincere compliment a
good looking woman without
having to worry about being sued.
I remember in the early 90's the management leaned on people who did
nothing, and had us males so scared we wouldn't even say hi to the women
for fear of some BS accusation. I even remembering quipping about all
men being persecuted for the few idiots.
Just bull**** liberalism gone mad. And with settlements so low I am
sure they were nuisance claims, cheaper to settle than to fight.
But I am sure intimidation occurs, but that means in some way the
instigator (could be a woman) has to apply some threat, promise for
compliance or otherwise unwillingness.
But fleabaggers don't have the rationality to differentiate.
The reason government can't fix the economic problems is government is
the problem.