I thought they were supposed to be melting?
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Sep 2011
Posts: 7,588
I thought they were supposed to be melting?
In article a5792354-8e7e-4344-8dd2-d4d42922ed51,
On Nov 5, 8:12*am, iBoaterer wrote:
In article 3047049c-3cfa-4006-92f6-6fb2727f41a4, says...
Huh? whadda you know?
Tim surely you're not using this to suggest that global warming isn't
happening, are you?
I dunno. I'd always thought that glaciers and giant ice shelves were
melting away because the earth was getting warmer, then you hear about
a massive chunk of ice forming and....
I know we had a decent frost last night, but it's November, we're
supposed to have a decent frost last night.
But it's not forming, it's calving off of the ice sheet.
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