On Sun, 06 Nov 2011 16:30:37 -0700, Canuck57 wrote:
On 06/11/2011 1:57 PM, John H wrote:
On Sun, 06 Nov 2011 10:28:02 -0700, wrote:
On 06/11/2011 10:22 AM, jps wrote:
On Sat, 5 Nov 2011 11:54:32 -0700 (PDT),
On Nov 5, 8:12 am, wrote:
In article3047049c-3cfa-4006-92f6-6fb2727f41a4
@bq8g2000vbb.googlegroups.com, says...
Huh? whadda you know?
Tim surely you're not using this to suggest that global warming isn't
happening, are you?
I dunno. I'd always thought that glaciers and giant ice shelves were
melting away because the earth was getting warmer, then you hear about
a massive chunk of ice forming and....
I know we had a decent frost last night, but it's November, we're
supposed to have a decent frost last night.
I assume you like somewhere in the middle of the country and are
completely unaware of the weird weather most of the country has been
expeiencing the past year.
Are you aware of the spike in tornados?
So far weather has been changing for 4.5 billion years and this year was
mild by comparison. And the predictions from the sane say the same
thing is in store for the next 4.5 billion years.
Are you saying the ending of the ice age was caused by man? Oh, the shame of it all.
No, just that weather changes are normal occurrences for earth and that
we are at the mercy of mother nature. Irrational fleabagger can wish
for static weather, but it isn't going to happen. On Mars the polar
caps have melted and I realize my SUT didn't do it.
Even if we don't acknowledge it, change is always happening.
But I am sure a fleabagger could equate the ice ages to todays fossil
fuels. Maybe he darwins wan NY City to be under a kilometer of ice.
Whew! Now I feel a lot less guilty for killing all those animals that died at the end of the last
ice age.
Hell, I feel guilty enough for killing off all the dinosaurs when man caused *that* bit of global
climate change.