How long will it be til...
On 08/11/2011 2:32 PM, X ` Man wrote:
On 11/8/11 4:02 PM, Canuck57 wrote:
On 08/11/2011 1:55 PM, X ` Man wrote:
On 11/8/11 3:19 PM, jps wrote:
This guy is caught naked in bed with another dude with an ounce of
cocaine on the nightstand? Or, with some beautiful boy carrying his
luggage at the airport? Or striking a wide stance in a public
restroom? Or cheating on his wife with a hooker in a graveyard?
Wagers, anyone?
In video released Tuesday morning from a secret religious right-wing
event titled “One Nation Under God,” Focus on the Family founder James
Dobson warned Americans that if they don’t vote right-wing in 2012,
they’ll be in “serious trouble” with God.
“I am most concerned about the dift away from Christian principles,”
Dobson said at the media embargoed event held in late October. “Are we
going to continue to honor God with the holy living that he continues
to prescribe to us? If we don’t, we are in serious trouble. And right
now, I think we are.”
The controversial evangelist added: “I happen to see this particular
election cycle as absolutely critical. We’re going to find out pretty
quick which direction we’re going. And if it’s going to be as it was
in the past, I hate to say it, but we deserve what’s coming to us.”
As if these right-wing evangelical "christians" had anything to do with
the teachings of jesus.
Maybe you fleabaggers should skip the religious bull****, after all you
voted Muslim that sins dishonoring debt last time.
Promise you a government debt-check from your grand kids futures and I
bet you would vote for satan.
Can't say I am religions, but not anti-religion. Some of you low life
fleabaggers could use some morality training.
It's the right wing pushing its brand of religious-osity, **** for brains.
In Debt We Trust!"
- 0bama and the fleabaggers
I hear this years 0bama Christmas tree is coming with a whole lot of
0bma pork spending on lobbies and friends.
Have to rack up that debt-tax slaver on the kids eh selfish *******?
The reason government can't fix the economic problems is government is
the problem.