Hope for humanity...
On 11/11/2011 7:29 AM, X ` Man wrote:
In the Republican race for the presidential nomination, Newt Gingrich's
support continues to slowly grow, and he is now tied with Mitt Romney
for second place, while Herman Cain just edges both of them out for the
top spot. Both Cain and Romney have lost support since late October.
In a new CBS News Poll, 61 percent of Republican primary voters say the
sexual harassment accusations against Cain won't make any difference in
their vote, but 30 percent say the charges make them less likely to back
him, and that rises to 38 percent among women. Cain has lost support
among women since last month - from 28 percent in October to 15 percent
now. He has lost ground with conservatives and Tea Party supporters as
- - -
So, the GOP leaders in the nomination race now consist of two morally
challenged assholes, Cain and Gingrich, and the leading "switch hitter"
on positions of the 21st century, Romney.
And I heard the rude belligerent lazy fleabaggers interrupted Bachmann.
The reason government can't fix the economic problems is government is
the problem.