Jim DeMint is a dumb ****.
On Thu, 10 Nov 2011 21:29:40 -0500, X ` Man
WASHINGTON -- Sen. Jim DeMint (R-S.C.) distinguished himself Thursday as
the only senator to oppose a measure aimed at hiring veterans, calling
it a "trick" by the Obama administration and Democrats.
He knew his decision wouldn't be popular, but still cast the lone vote
against an amendment to grant employers tax breaks worth up to $9,600
for giving a veteran a job.
"I know what I'm about to discuss won't be very popular. I'll probably
be accused of not supporting veterans by the politicians pandering for
their votes," DeMint said on the Senate floor Thursday. "But I'm not
going to be intimidated to vote for something that may make sense
politically but is inherently unfair.
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South Carolina is the home of really class politicians.
He's about the biggest jerk in politics, besides Santorum.
Registers equal to Virgina Foxx and Louie Gomert on the IQ scale.