On 12/11/2011 2:06 PM, North Star wrote:
On Nov 12, 3:58 pm, wrote:
On 12/11/2011 7:51 AM, North Star wrote:
Well, the Bay of Fundy didn't win this 'popularity contest this time
arond, but not all is lost.
Foders, or a similar travel magazine, listed it as one of the dozen
places to visit this year.
Funny, I would put the Canadian Rocky mountains ahead of the Bay of
Fundy any day. The Bay is over rated.
The reason government can't fix the economic problems is government is
the problem.
Well... since we're supposed to be boaters... we naturally should have
a bias towards water.
Oh wait.... you don't boat!
Funny, I was on one 2 days ago, or more accurately a BC ferry.
Unlike other fleabaggers, I never misrepresented myself as currently
owning a boat like rubber ducky harryk. I rent/charter them. Being in
Calgary, boating isn't big on prairie land. Sure, so piddly little
lakes in Alberta...
BC has lots of big lakes, as does northern and western Ontario. Even
rented a Sushwap houseboat once, a hoot.
Sure miss being in Wisconsin, used to drive up to Port Washington and a
couple of charter operators knew where the Coho, Kings and Steelhead
were. Nailed them silly for years. Or go to BC for pink salmon.
Stream dolly vardens and lake trout taste good on a grill as are Ontario
speckled. And had a good guide on Okachobie (sp) in Florida once, lots
of weeds there. But Northwestern small mouth and walleye is the best.
Walleye and small mouth seem scrawny and small in Wisconsin and
Minnesota. Ozarks, caught some varieties of fish and I don't know what
they were, some were fun.
Not much deep sea stuff yet...but that might change later this winter.
Closest I have come to this was a boat trip from Monterey going for
Rockfish and Lingcod. Hauled in 50+ that day.
Fishing is the part that gets me in a boat.
The reason government can't fix the economic problems is government is
the problem.