Does character matter?
On Mon, 14 Nov 2011 08:17:03 -0500, drifter
On Mon, 14 Nov 2011 01:07:58 -0800, jps wrote:
On Sun, 13 Nov 2011 16:20:23 -0500, X ` Man
On 11/13/11 4:15 PM, Canuck57 wrote:
On 13/11/2011 12:56 PM, North Star wrote:
On Nov 13, 3:17 pm, wrote:
Conservative columnist George Will believes that Republican
presidential candidate Herman Cain’s sexual harassment scandal
is a
“test” for Republicans.
“A rule is when there are four women, there may be 24,” Will
ABC’s Christiane Amanpour Sunday. “There’s a pattern here.
He’s says
there’s no pattern because all four are not telling the truth.
we shall see.”
“For Republicans, it is a teachable moment because Republicans
said over and over again, character matters in leadership. We
this powerful government. The more power the government has,
the more
character matters in the chief executive. And this is a test
Nah, character is just another ruse put up by the GOP to stake
out the
moral high ground. It only comes into play when battling the
opposition, rarely when measuring their own.
What matters for the Cain campaign is the simplicity of the
and can if fit on a bumper sticker. His fundraising has taken
a leap
since women started to come forward confirming his pattern of
A certain percentage of Republicans (including women?) are
comfortable with misogynists.
Maybe they hope Cain will hook them up with some of his
Yes, but most real men realize there is sexual harassment and
there are
women who make false accusations on their harassment of men.
Plenty of democrat misogynists. And the only confirmed
sexual blow job in the Whitehouse is a democrat.
Would like to know the truth with Cain. Not just the
fleabaggerisms and
political back biting.
The truth is he is a womanizing, ill-prepared joke of a candidate
great appeal to the mindless Republican right. You know, your kind
Did you know China is trying to develop nuclear weapons? Herman
knows too!!!
Yup. Weapons like you've never heard of. I'm glad Herman is staying
informed. Mebby he should clue O'bama in.
Oooo, why not clue us all in Drifter, since you're at the vanguard of
"nucular" development?