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jps jps is offline
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jul 2006
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Default Herman implosion...

On Wed, 16 Nov 2011 11:16:32 -0500, wrote:

On Tue, 15 Nov 2011 23:13:36 -0800, jps wrote:

The founder of the tea party has asked Herman Cain to drop out of the
campaign for the Republican nomination after his incredible blunder
answering the question of whether he agreed with Obama's handling of

Seems Herman has finally and completely imploded. I'm feeling so sad
for Canook and others here who saw so much promise in Herman.

How people ever took this buffoon seriously is beyond reason.

The strange thing was that after his minute and a half "pause" he did
come up with a fairly reasoned response on Libya. It was just too late
for this instant gratification public.
I do agree Cain is in over his head here but so was Obama, he was just
smoother about it.

Two different cases entirely. Obama was in over his head from the
perspective of maturity and having the years of hand to hand combat in
Washington. Herman Cain has management maturity but no depth of
knowledge. I agree his answer was good but what the **** was going on
in that head for a minute and a half? Obama would have reeled that
off in seconds flat.

I saw him at the Australian press announcement yesterday (joint
military excercises, closer ties) and he was incredible. He knew
everything about the plan, the strategy, relationships within the
region, etc. He made me proud that we have a president with a brain
and I'm looking forward to him using his balls a little more during
his next term.