On 15/11/2011 1:39 PM, iBoaterer wrote:
In ,
On 15/11/2011 11:11 AM, iBoaterer wrote:
Oh, bout the title.
If he the Wall Street Squatters are against government corruption, then
why are they on Wall Street and not in Washington DC?
Because Wall Street is just as corrupt. They are the one's giving the
stocks to the pols.
Like I have said earlier, there are two groups here. Government even
fosters the bums and delinquent ones to discredit the other that sees
government as the issue..
Try squatting on the Whitehouse lawn to prove this wrong.
Yeah, yeah, Those fat cats on wall street are just a honest, upstanding
sort. I'm sure at least one person here will agree with you there.
Best way to fix corruption is top down.
Starting with 0bama, Peloshi, Gingrich and Reid. Clean out the corrupt
regime and replace them with people who have scruples and values even if
you don't necessarily agree with what they say.
One honest politician is worth more than a million corrupt ones.
You really want change? Don't vote for the money.
The reason government can't fix the economic problems as government is
the problem.