Herman implosion...
On 16/11/2011 4:28 AM, X ` Man wrote:
On 11/16/11 2:13 AM, jps wrote:
The founder of the tea party has asked Herman Cain to drop out of the
campaign for the Republican nomination after his incredible blunder
answering the question of whether he agreed with Obama's handling of
Seems Herman has finally and completely imploded. I'm feeling so sad
for Canook and others here who saw so much promise in Herman.
How people ever took this buffoon seriously is beyond reason.
Cain, Perry and Bachmann seem creepier every time they speak.
Be of strong heart, Repubs...Newt the Grinch will save your party from
Romneyism. Newtie promises a Tiffany's gift card for every GOP delegate,
paid for by cutting food stamps for impoverished children.
Why, you think they need cash so they can do dope instead?
Nothing to stop you from opening your wallet. Using government to open
other peoples wallets by IRS extortion isn't very respectful of others
financial liberty.
Now that US has fewer billionaires, fewer millionaires, fewer wealth
producing jobs and businesses, you might want to ask will the government
look out for your social assistance when no one is paying for it?
Historically governments worry about their own fat ass first, right into
the free-falls like the Roman Empire. Times haven't changed that much.
A good conservative value for the times, plan for the worst while hoping
for the best.
The reason government can't fix the economic problems as government is
the problem.