On 11/17/2011 9:46 AM, iBoaterer wrote:
Yeah, right.
It's time to start taxing Chinese Imports and reverse the one way street
Trade Agreements that have taken American Production and jobs.
I don't want to hear free trade. It is not free. China and elsewhere
subsidize their production with slave or wage slave labor. They protect
their markets or we don't want in there in the first place.
I'm tired of excuses "for the global economy."
What it really is a raid on America's wealth and effort to reduce
America to the lowest common denominator of poverty.
The wealth of the Global Elite Business man is the spread of his wealth
against the poverty of everyone else.
Washington has been making decisions to support the Global economy
global governance and the few would be Global Ruling Economic Elites
that like the global plantation or Feudalism on a global scale.
Whatever their reasons are.
Washington better get back to work to protect American Interests
including American Production(of wealth)Good paying jobs and more of
them first or the real tax base.
The Interests of American Citizens should be first not just those with
deep pockets and Lobbyists.
Stop the one dollar one vote Globalist control of Washington.