A great article
On 17/11/2011 1:39 PM, bpuharic wrote:
On Wed, 16 Nov 2011 12:16:46 -0700,
I don't blame 0bama for everything.
I blame him for not doing a dammed thing but fostering more corruption
than ever. If 0bama had integrity and balls, he could do so much good
but chooses the corrupt path.
uh no. you're simply too stupid to know much about america
conservatives love power as long as it's plutocratic power. they hate
the middle class
Funny, my parasite fleabagger tag along wants power without doing
anything for it but whine?
Hahahahahahaaaa -- keep whining. You make me laugh.
As the saying goes, you are part of the problem if you are not part of
the solution. And 0bama has been a big zero on results costing
Americans $6 trillion in future debt-tax slavery.
conservatives have gamed the system so that corruption IS the law
Funny, Pelosi and O0bama with bailouts an insider trading for Pelosi are
not conservatives.
I kow this stretches the fleabager minds, but you don't have to be
conservative to be corrupt, plenty of demoocrat corruption and when you
add it up, perhaps more on the democrat side as the liberal fleabaggers
have less scruples and no morals.
Plent of honest conservatives. And we say to you? Hey, get a job.
The reason government can't fix the economic problems as government is
the problem.