A nice apple story
On 11/17/11 2:58 PM, North Star wrote:
On Nov 17, 2:35 pm, wrote:
You stupid ****, Suckling Don!! Everyone here knows that you and Harry
are the biggest cowards around. IF you were "better men" you both
wouldn't back out of every bet you've issued here. Now, do you want to
come to my house or not? When you get to Philly, contact me, I'll give
you directions right here. Same goes for Harry. Also, Harry is close
enough that I'll come to HIM, all he has to do is meet me in a parking
lot. I wonder how his clients will like the fact that he's going around
issuing threats of violence?
A couple days ago you said you'd met me half way.. and I chose Maine.
As expected, you were a 'no show'.
Do you really expect me to travel all the way to Philly so you can re-
direct me to your drug supplier.... probably in a housing project in
a questionable part of the city?
Little iLoogy is so slow he doesn't realize that if I wanted to, I could
show up at any almost any public place in Maryland with a concealed
firearm. Those of us with Maryland concealed carry permits can do that.
D'oh. And he could be arrested on public property for fighting, too.
It matters not...he wouldn't show under any circumstance.