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bpuharic bpuharic is offline
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Default Bank of America Apology

On Thu, 03 Nov 2011 11:15:55 -0600, Canuck57

On 03/11/2011 10:45 AM, wrote:
On Wed, 02 Nov 2011 14:10:28 -0600,

Hey, democrat congress
created TARP for Bush,

Not really. Paulson came up with TARP and told congress to eat it.
BoA paid back their money pretty fast. They were one of the banks that
didn't really need it. They put the money in federal paper and paid it
back as soon as they were allowed to.

So a democrat majority follows Paulson? Doubtful.

you're brain dead so don't know WHAT h appened with paulson

you're too stupid to know that, when lehman bros went belly up,
liquidity markets froze

you're too stupid to know that paulson realized conservatives, had
deregulated our economy to the point where the banks owned it

you're too stupid to know that the dems, unlike hte GOP, WILL do
what's best for the country

that's why you're a right winger

Fact was the rich
boys with huge deposits to loose called up senators and congress people
of both parties (but not Tea Party) and pressured them to bailout the
banks with their investments and deposits.

Cold reality, while 0bama has escalate the corruption to $5 or 6
trillion, it started earlier with TARP and a democrat majority voting
for it.

uh no. it started with alan greenspan and the free market fundies
saying we needed to deregulate wall street

you're just a racist scumbag