On 17/11/2011 6:52 AM, iBoaterer wrote:
He is right. We need to go back to real value for currency and take
this away from corrupt government and fraud bankers. The only way is a
currency guaranteed in value by a precious metal, like gold, silver.
But those in power will have to be forced, almost by a second revolution
to change it. Government is addicted to this debt fraud and debt-tax
slavery of the people.
But OWS people like him need to use a different name. There are two
types of OWS types. The whiner fleabaggers that graduated G12 and eal
shocked that they have to work to earn to buy the iPad types. Snowflake
attitude, gimme or I whine types.
Then there are the more intelligent types that realize the real causes
of economic strife be the corrupt enslaving government and banks. I
support these, but not the snowflakes.
And I suspect 0bama and the corrupt government support the snow flakes
to discredit the legitimate protesters. A deliberate act to discredit
those who want a system with integrity.
Dylan Ratigan and others need to rename their movement as not to
associate themselves with fleabagger whiners. Call themselves the Tea
Party Revolution movement or something.
Because it is time the people took back control of the government. As
just voting for a rigged ballot of ponies chosen for you, is a ruse of
democracy in Canada and USA. We are not as free as we think.
The reason government can't fix the economic problems as government is
the problem.