0bama dishonors WW II Vets
On 17/11/2011 2:10 PM, bpuharic wrote:
On Sun, 06 Nov 2011 13:01:32 -0700,
Populist conservative claptrap wishes to rewrite history, but for the
educated, that cannot be done. Sorry.
Ask 0bama about founding fathers, he didn't see a US public school until
he was 12 or 13 after being raised in Jakarta.
Apparently, it didn't hurt him any. He gets it and you don't.
Gets what?
Choking the engine of invention and entrepuneurailism is not getting it.
Lazy people always want hand-outs regardless of the political and
cultural system. The OWS people are lazy.
One of the reasons the lazy *******s can't get decent jobs is drugs.
Anyone want to hire an unsable drug addict?
yeah. wall street. it'd be an improvement over the *******s there now
And they want jobs?
If you mean NYSE is wall street, I like those boys. But I don't use
their politically slanted advice, I just trade on the exchange using my
own head. Probably why I beat the street ever year now for 20+ years.
I can't remember the last time I didn't outperform the DJA or TSX averages.
But so called advisors, 99% of them are **** and the good ones we
mortals can't afford. Fact is too much liberal Harvard economics
bull**** in their education.
The reason government can't fix the economic problems as government is
the problem.