Freddie and Newt
On 18/11/2011 9:34 AM, Terri I wrote:
On Nov 17, 12:21 pm, wrote:
Gee, the far right seems content to put all blame about the mortgage
crisis on the liberals. Sure seems like it wasn't all liberals who had
their hand in the pie as FOX would like you to believe. Seems like old
Newt has his hand in the cookie jar to the tune of 1.9 million dollars!!
Wrong, this far right conservative blames excessive Bernanke US Fed
money counterfeit for rampant 0bama debt spending. This causes
inflation. Inflation means the value of incomes do not acquire as many
goods and thus fewer jobs are needed. With fewer jobs, less income tax,
Bernanke just prints more like a snake eating its own tail.
GDP only looks good because people are paying more for stuff. But you
can have a higher GDP and less goods shipped, the jobless recovery.
And why I have the tag line I do. Big debtor statism fat government is
the problem, they obviously don't want to admit it as the only solution
to over sized government is less government and less debt.
Gets worse if you factor in the outlook for debt-tax slavery. Why open
up a business in an area where civic and state tax greed is about to go
horny on the peoples wallets? Fact is, GE is making good move by
sending medical services to China. As others have and more will.
Government is causing the very problems they are stating they want to
fix. But denial, ignorance and bull**** abound. No one wants the
truth, just more big mouth bull****.
Well no amount of 0bama or other bull**** is going to fix it.
The reason government can't fix the economic problems as government is
the problem.