0bama dishonors WW II Vets
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First recorded activity by BoatBanter: Jun 2008
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0bama dishonors WW II Vets
In article ,
On Sun, 06 Nov 2011 07:06:09 -0700, Canuck57
On 05/11/2011 7:24 PM,
On Sat, 05 Nov 2011 11:47:10 -0600,
Hey, time to get rid of 0bama, impeach him for Solyndra or something.
The man has no integrity, no dignity and no respect.
If it were not for WW II vets 0bama migh be dead or a slave to the Japanese.
It is also ignorant of you, posting in a boating newsgroup, supposedly
a boater, to not understand the reason why.
In 1797, the founding fathers, unanimously made this declaration and
treaty and it was signed by John Adams.
"As the Government of the United States of America is not, in any
sense, founded on the Christian religion...."
Populist conservative claptrap wishes to rewrite history, but for the
educated, that cannot be done. Sorry.
Ask 0bama about founding fathers, he didn't see a US public school until
he was 12 or 13 after being raised in Jakarta.
you're not an american. stop bitching about the president. perhaps
you'd prefer the kingdom of saudi arabia
People could make he argument that you are not an American either.
American's don't bitch, whine and complain about others. Americans get
off their ass, work for what they want and generally succeed in life.
You do realize that Americans inhabit the South, Central and North
You Bob sound like a Greek.
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