Cuba? What's that?
On Sat, 19 Nov 2011 09:54:17 -0500, BAR wrote:
In article ,
On Fri, 18 Nov 2011 16:33:39 -0700, Canuck57
Hell, the man he replaces thinks there are 57, er 58 states int eh
union. Knowing US is a little more essential for the POTUS. And maybe
why 0bama is a screw up. Probably knows Jakarta well though.
bush got us into a trillion dollar war with iraq
that's what conservatives do. kill. and spend
then blame liberals
What do you know about Brikina Faso?
actually i've followed international affairs for over 45 years. which
is why i'm a liberal vs a neoon whose entire view of foreign policy is
'send in the marines'